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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Restoring the Meaning of Covenant

   I was talking to a colleague recently at annual conference who pointed out something interesting that had been bothering him about our worship services. When we come to annual conference, as either a clergy or lay delegate, we have made a covenant to be fully present, especially at the worship services like ordination, because they help define who we are. We stand with one another.
   Yet, worship has lost its ability to inspire a little, not because of the bishop or preachers or worship design team (all of which have been fantastic) but because we have broken covenant. We don't show up. We aren't present so something was missing.
   Death and resurrection. Retirement. Ordination. These are all important moments for us to be the body together, yet so many skip out. Now I am all for self-care - but let's take that time in a way that doesn't violate covenant. Let's BE the body.
   Because if we can't do it here for 3 days, what makes us think that our local churches can do it year round? We were at a meeting table recently, where one of the lay folks asked what we do with folks who don't show up to meetings. They are on the committee so they should be there. The answer - nothing. We don't know what to do when people break covenant and promises.
   How can we restore what is important in covenants? How can we be the body with one another - in the big moments and the day to day?

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