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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Monday, August 17, 2009

New Years Resolutions

New Years resolutions often are scratched within a month. Perhaps for some of us that is because the new year is not really new, so much as a continuation of a pervious commitment. For example, January is just a continuation of my current school year. Thus, it is better for me to think of the New Year as August, a time that is actually fresh and fertile ground for change.

As I ponder this, I realize that there are several small things that I want to commit to doing this coming year:
1.) Keep a day of complete Sabbath
2.) Have a time of worship and devotion once a day
3.) Be in an intentional attitude of prayer twice a day
4.) Make time for 20 minutes of Yoga at least 3 times a week

And there are some things that I would like to continue to do that are healthy for my entire being:
1.) Cook on a regular basis
2.) Have times of celebration with friends
3.) Get plenty of rest
4.) Be intentional about how school work is completed
5.) Be in weekly communication with those are dear to my heart but far away in terms of physical distance

Please help hold me to these commitments as I seek to live out Shalom.

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