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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Friday, June 5, 2009


Two questions:

1.) Should you take pictures in a church building?

2.) Should you take pictures during a church service?

Thoughts welcome. 


Anonymous said...

I always feel guilty visiting European cathedrals and taking pictures inside. I tend to take only a few pictures. To the second question, definitely no. If there is a service in progress, any picture taking is disruptive. If I do take pictures in the first situation, I always turn the flash off, even though that usually results in a darker picture. If there are people sitting in the pews praying and a large amount of people taking pictures, this adds to discouraging taking pictures. I cannot imagine taking pictures of objects in my home church (pgh, west chester and mainz included). I think the idea of touring churches is to a point okay in that you are looking at an architectural creation that happens to be dedicated to God. A better way to do that, though, is to go to a service. You can enjoy the architecture AND commune with God and the people.

Donna Olivia said...

If taking pictures does not interfere with the worship service, or an individual who is worshipping, then yes, I believe it is fine to take pictures. That is, of course, providing the photos are going to be used in some way, shape, or form to glorify God.