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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Language Choice

We had a lecture today on Drew's inclusive language policy. For the most part, while it might be somewhat unnatural, I can see the reasoning behind it. But then we got to referring to any part of the Trinity - Master, Lord, or King and we are not allowed to speak of the coming or present Kingdom. I had to bulk at this for a moment. And even know, sitting down, reflecting I am uncomfortable. We are refusing to use language initiated by the Bible and passed down through centuries of church history and why, because of some human ramifications that have left words with bad images in our minds? For me, personally, The Godhead better be the LORD of my life, otherwise I'm just feebly following myself, which NEVER ends well for me. We all follow someone and bow down to something, whether we want to admit or identify our objects of worship or not. And maybe we don't need inclusive language so much as we need to restructure our thinking. A few of you know that I have a strong conviction not to vote in upcoming elections, because I don't feel that the life Jesus led calls us to that because we can all only follow one Master and have one Lord over our lives. This doesn't just apply to God vs Money, it extends into every crevice of our lives and changing the wording isn't going to change the root problem.

As I thought about this, there is a much bigger problem. Yes, inclusive language is important, but it should not be instituted to this extent because of human failures. Really when we make something into a huge issue like this, it usually stems from a poor view of self. I am a pretty secure person, but I wasn't always that way. When I struggled with my own lack of self-esteem I was far more reliant on the opinions and words of others. For example, I had to hear that I was loved. But when I know that I am loved by God and others and have internalized this, then I no longer crave to hear those words spoken, because their speaking isn't the only place of truth.

Another example is the whole equality of women in ministry issue. When I was apprehensive and just starting to follow my call, I was far more open to listening to the positive words of others and was deeply offended by those negative words. But, now, I know my call with certainty. If anything the uninclusive language made me spend more time seeking God's will and made me more impassioned to follow it. I know that God has created me as equal, and I don't need to change the language of others in order to reflect this. God has spoken over me, and His words are enough, and in Him my security rests.

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