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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Friday, July 18, 2008


While working at the women's shelter in town I'm required by DComm to keep a journal to reflect on my experience. Usually I write insightful, long enteries, but last week my entry simply read:
"It’s in the mundane and the daily living together that we have the most opportunity to touch someone’s life."

I've been finding that as I grow older I appreciate the more consistent aspects of doing life together instead of the grander moments. I find blissful peace in the moments of making a meal together, taking a walk, or doing the dishes instead of the moments that are planned in advance. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy those events but I no longer desire them the way I used to.

Back in high school all of my foundest memories were these large events, but in college, especially after going to Australia, I just want a chance to be with people.

As I was dwelling on living in the everyday versus living for the grand moments, I began to see why some couples struggle once they are married. They expect every day to be like going on an exciting date and discount the beauty in living life together, with all of the repetiveness, quarells, and opportunities for expressing love that it entails.

And that is why there is more opportunity to touch someone's life in the every day. Because the everyday happens, well, every day. How sad would it be if we gagued someone's love for us off of grand expressions alone? How sad would it be if waited for the big moments in life to express our love to people we care about? It would leave us with a very shallow and disfigured version of love. But love can equally be expressed by just making a cup of tea for someone or listening to their life story. For it is here, in these moments, that we truly get to know someone. What a blessing!

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