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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Being Single

    There are times that I wish I could fully express to folks some truths about being single.

1.) I have the same housework to do as you. Yes there may be less dishes or less laundry, but I still need to clean my house, cook, and run a household. There just isn't anyone else to share these responsibilities with.

2.) When I get sick, there isn't anyone else to take care of me.

3.) My social network needs to be wider. If I'm having a bad day, it may take me three or four phone calls before I reach someone who is available and has time to listen to me.

4.) There is nothing wrong with being single, it is in fact not a disease or short coming.

5.) I have bills to pay too - saying that I need less of an income because I don't have a family isn't always the case, especially when it comes student loans.

6.) Yes, in some ways I have more time to give you because of flexibility in scheduling, but this does not mean that I can work all the time. I need to have free time as well.

7.) I do in fact have a family. They just happen to not live in the same house as me. My family is both  my relatives and friends, who I need to keep in contact with in order to build the social network for #3.

8.) There are times I actually love being single. I can get up when I want or go to bed when I want. I can make what I want to eat. I can schedule things without having to check with another person and if need be, I can just get in the car and go for a spontaneous trip. I can decide how to spend free time and what each day will look like.

What truths would other singles like to share?

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