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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Sparkle Box - Matt 5:14, 25:40

Reading of The Sparkle Box by Jill Hardie

The gifts have been unwrapped. Food has been shared. Family has been seen. But our Christmas celebration is not complete. In fact, its just beginning. 
For the Christian Church, Christmas celebrate the birth of the Christ Child. Over the past four weeks our sermon series has been focusing on how Christmas isn’t our Birthday, its Jesus’. 
When I was little, my brothers and I used to get small presents from some of our family on each others birthday. Perhaps these well-intentioned family members were worried there would be tears over others receiving gifts, but the end result was not really learning, I think, that it wasn’t our birthday. Not learning that all holidays weren’t about us. Its easy to forget around Christmas that we are celebrating Christ’s birthday, not ours; its not all about us. Yet, too many of us still ask, “is that present for me?” even on Christ’s special day. 
The story we read this morning begs the question - what type of gifts would Jesus want for his birthday? Would he want the new train that Sam so badly wanted for Christmas? Or does he desire something more? This morning scripture tells us that whatever we do for the least of these, we do for Christ. Christ’s gifts include things that we do for others, others who truly are in need. Things that shine Christ’s light to the world.
Friends, we need to be taught to shine forth for Christ. n the book Sticky Faith: Everyday Ideas to Bring Lasting Faith in Your Kids, the author tells the story of a mother who had always bought groceries for people she saw in need. Anyone who would ask her for change, she would automatically go and get a bag of groceries. One day her 17 year old daughter came home and shared that she had just bought a bag of groceries for a homeless man. The mom held her breath, waiting for her daughter to ask for money for the groceries, but she didn’t. The daughter had learned to share her love of Christ in similar ways that her parents do. The Sparkle Box is the same idea, teaching our families that sharing their faith is of utmost importance. 
Think about some of the things that you received this Christmas under the tree. How did they share the light of Christ? What did it teach you or others about the faith? Now think of some of the things you did for others - how did they share Christ with the world? One of the sayings of the modern church is that Christ has no hands and feet but ours. Christmas is our time to use our hands and feet to bless Christ’s holy name!
I’m a big fan of birthdays. There is something amazing about celebrating the life of another person. Thinking about how they impacted you. How God blessed the world through their presence. To honor that person in a special way. Yet, all too often we fly right over Christ’s birthday without really dwelling on how he has blessed or honoring him. 
So I want us to take the opportunity in worship this morning to do just that. To give Christ our gifts, our offerings, of love and service. You have been asked during the Advent season to write down ways you and your family have reached out to others. Now is our chance to open those gifts together and present them to the Lord. 

Reading of the Sparkle Box 

Brothers and sisters, our Sparkle Box gift to Jesus is not just to be contained to his birthday. It is to be shared throughout the year. As we prepare to enter 2014 I would encourage you to find a small box or jar in your home and every time you serve someone put a slip of paper in the container. Read through them from time to time and open them on Christmas Day, remembering that these are your gifts, your very best, that you are giving to the Lord to shine forth his glory! Amen!

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