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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Green Cleaning - Pt 2

     Today concluded the indoor part the cleaning adventure.

Living Room

1.) Wash all blankets. Store heavy fabrics.

2.) Remove couch cushions. Sprinkle with a mixture of:
1 C Baking Soda
4-5 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
Let sit for 1 hour before vacuuming off.

3.) Clean windows.

4.) Dust ceiling and fans. 

5.) Vacuum carpets and sweet floors. I have unfinished hard wood floors which I washed with a combination of:
1 C White Vinegar
1 Gallon Water
This solution can also be used to mop entrance ways. Always let air dry. 

6.) Clean and dust all shelves and electronics.

7.) Wash walls. Part of my walls are wood, but this mixture worked well for the entire wall, regardless of treating:
1/2 C White Vinegar
1 C Water
3-4 Drops of Lemon Essential Oil

8.) Finishing touches. Wipe the base board with a dryer sheet. Dip a Q-tip in Vinegar and run it along the edge of the window. Wipe candles with an old pantie hoe to pick up dust.

Apx time: 45 minutes.


1.) Wash windows.

2.) Dust ceiling. 

3.) Clean out old files. 

4.) Remove everything from drawers and shelves and dust.

5.) Wash walls. (See mixture in Living Room #7).

6.) Vacuum, sweep, and mop floor. (See Living Room #5).

7.) Wipe baseboard with dryer sheet.

Apx Time: 30 mintues


1.) Clean refrigerator and freezer. Wipe off the shelves with a mixture of:
2 Tb Baking Soda
1 Q of Hot Water
Rinse with a damp cloth and dry with a clean towel. 

Clean the outside of the unit with a mixture of:
12 oz White Vinegar
12 oz Dawn Dish Soap
1 t Laundry Detergent

2.) Clean Oven and Microwave. To clean the microwave  put the following in a microwave safe dish:
1 C White Vinegar
1 C Hot Water
Microwave for 10 minutes. Remove (carefully - it will be very hot). Wipe inside of unit.

To clean the oven:
Spray the opened oven door with an equal mixture of Vinegar and water. Cover the mixture with baking soda. Sprinkle with Kosher salt. Spray more vinegar on top. Let sit for at least 10 minutes. Scrub. Wipe dry. 

Repeat with the inside of the oven. 

The outside of the oven can be cleaned with the same mixture used for the outside of the refrigerator. 

3.) Clean window.

4.) Dust the top of the cabinets and refrigerator.

5.) Empty all cabinets and drawers. Wipe inside clean. Reorganize the contents. Clean the outside of the cabinets with the mixture from the microwave.

6.) Clean all appliances. If the outside of your appliances start to look dirty, apply cream of tarter with a few drops of water on a sponge. Wipe off with a dry towel.

For an electric kettle. Run 1 C of Vinegar in a full kettle of water. Empty the kettle. Rub it again with only water.

7.) Clean Sink. The dish drainer can be scrubbed using the same solution as the outside of the refrigerator.

For the inside of the sink. Spray with vinegar. Cover with baking soda. Spray with vinegar again. Let sit for 10 minutes. Use a toothbrush to scrub out the drain. After 10 minutes rinse with boiling water. Wipe dry. Polish using olive oil on a towel. Wipe facet with wax paper to cut down on water marks. 

8.) Clean dish washer. The outside of the dish washer can be cleaned using the same solution as the outside of the refrigerator.

For the inside -  place a glass measuring cup with 2 C of White Vinegar on the top rack and run through a cycle using hot water. Then sprinkle 1 C of baking soda on the bottom of the tub and run through a short cycle.

9.) Wash walls. (See Living Room #7).

10.) Mop: 
1 L of water - brought to a boil.
After boiling remove from stove and add 6 peppermint tea bags - steep for 2 hours.
Add 1 L White Vinegar
2 T baby oil

11.) Finishing touches. Wipe the base board with a dryer sheet. Dip a Q-tip in Vinegar and run it along the edge of the window. Wipe candles with an old pantie hoe to pick up dust

Apx. Time - 2.5 hours.

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