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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Who is the Church For? - Sister Act

Catherine and I went to see our last official show together as Drew students last night - Sister Act on Broadway. What a riot! And what a time for reflection for us as future religious leaders. The premise was similar to the movies but set in a different context as far as setting it within the decade of the 70s with all of the glitz and the glam. Which I thought made more sense. All of the songs were different, but fantastic.
It was also interesting to contemplate pastoral skills and the place of the gospel and the Kin(g)dom of God is secular society as well as the church, when the woman next to me literally snapped about me tweeting during one of the numbers. She was not very polite, demanding a behavior from me instead of requesting it, which stifled the rest of my time during the first act. It was also interesting in my mind to see how my personality was able to show again in the second act without her presence. Catherine and I even danced a bit near the end! Woohoo!
The chief questions that arose for me were 'what are you doing to spread the gospel?' and 'what does the Kin(g)dom of God look like? (in terms of being open or desiring rigid purity)' What fantastic questions to have near the end of my seminary career as I enter the world of full time ministry!

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