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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Blocking God

Sometimes I wonder about being busy. Often I know the laundry list of reasons I'm busy: trying to graduate in a timely manner and be affiliated with a conference that demands a lot, expectations of others, trying to apply my gifts and graces, running away and hiding, and trying to be a good friend all at the same time. But when I think of the reasons - especially the running away and hiding one, I wonder if really all I'm doing is blocking God by having too much on my plate. Balance has never been my strong suite. I can think of the awful way I felt in Australia, both from being in the midst of intense anxiety disorder with little to no support, an not having my coping mechanism of having something that demanded time and energy to pour my energy into. The same thing happened the following semester when I had to just take time off. However, there have also been times that I've been overly involved just so I don't have time to think - most of my time in high school and at Houghton, and it seems like this year of seminary as well. It's like I fear being still since 2007. What am I blocking God from doing in my life with my plate so full?

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