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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

To be a follower

I am constantly reminded that God is the master weaver. I can see how everything I do fit together is a masterful way. This semester I’m taking supervised ministry, social justice and evangelism, church at worship, shalom, and ethics. I’m working with TSA, in admissions, with a Liberian Children’s Project, TERRA, Composting, and rethinking stock options.

At first glance one has to ask how all of that fits together. But they fit together friends, in their dissimilarities. God is calling me to struggle as if I was creating art. I need to make choices about what color to choose, what stitch to go with, or what word to pen.

Yesterday I had to make a choice about what to believe. Two of my classes started out by talking about the game ‘Follow the Leader’. Supervised ministry started out by asking if we would rather be the leader or follower if we play this childhood game. And I couldn't come up with an answer. Because I loved both. The point of being asked was to say that if we liked to be a leader in the game then we could be a great pastors. But I didn't like to lead or follow. And literally twenty minutes later Len Sweet was able to articulate why in my next class through of all things, twitter. Where it is all about who you are following and who is following you. It's like a circle. And I'm following Jesus. Why have we forgot that to be a leader is to follow and that a leader is also continually a follower.

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