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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Taking Our Time

Sometimes God blesses us with messages that are just what we need to hear or expand a thought that we had previously in the week. Today was such a message through the sermon at church. It was on going slow in our fast passed culture. She even mentioned dieting, which I had posted on earlier this week.

She also talked about cooking in a microwave which raised the question in my mind, "what do we loose by not taking our time?" Some of the best meals I've ever had were ones that I had to wait for. Meals cooked with friends after hours of preparation. Meals that took days worth of planning. And meals prepared in high end, busy restaurants, that were well worth the wait! When we settle for the microwave we forfeit health, quality, and learn nothing from what we are doing.

Isn't this perhaps the reason we are encouraged to fast? To learn to take our time? To enjoy life and think about all we have? What do we loose in our fast passed society?

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