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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Shalom Vs Traditional Church

  I'm at annual conference and I'm a tad upset. (Shock and Awe - I know). We had a discussion today about what are the needs and opportunities in our communities and it turned into a gripe session about how there aren't enough people coming to church. I was trying to stress that people need to be told they are worthy whether they are a church attendee or not. I wanted to see people put individual meetings into practice, but instead people kept focusing on surveys to see if people already attend a church and condemning talks to people. Ahhhh.... If that's ministry, I can't do that. Ever. I'd rather talk and get to know people (see the previous post) instead of yelling about Jesus. Jesus will shine through if people get to know me. The Lord has to, because he is such a deep and vital part of me. 


Anonymous said...

I hope the rest of the conference goes well, Michelle. Sorry about your frustrations, I share them with you.

Can't wait to see you again!

Anonymous said...

hey, if you want to maybe talk with my grandmother, my mother mentioned randomly to me that my oma likes mentoring women pastors/seminary students. I can send you her email address or address if you'd like. Even though she is a retired pastor, she still pitches in periodically at the church she attends now and goes to various conferences.

Donna Olivia said...

I had a discussion with some UMC ladies yesterday about this. They mentioned that the UMC was going to spend some appalling amount of money on marketing and publicity (20 million, I think) to attract more people to the church. I believe that if that same money was spent on ministry--discipleship, missions, worship, fellowship, etc--and that if we were truly demonstrating the love of Christ and power of God to all, that people couldn't help but be attracted to the church. How is that for a marketing strategy?