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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Refelction on Honesty

Yesterday I went to the Chiropractor for a massage and an adjustment. The receptionist wasn't at the desk because she had a family obligation. Let's pause for a moment for me to tell you how great I think this woman is! She and I went to high school together and have a great professional relationship in the office. When life got really crazy last year with insurances she allowed a lot to slide until everything was fixed. And in the instances when I forget to give her a check, she just tells me to bring it in the next time. She is fantastic!
So she was gone and someone else who didn't understand the complexities of my insurance was working the desk and they tried to charge me $20 less then what I owed. So I corrected them, we found the error on my chart, and I paid the bill. The chiropractor (who was out at the desk at the time) and the woman were both very impressed that I was that honest even if it cost me $20 dollars. And that caused me to pause and think.
When did our society shift to becoming a place when people are shocked by honesty instead of taking it to be the norm? It seems like even in our churches we expect people to be deceptive. What a shame! When will we return to being a people who are true to our word, no matter what the cost? And what is it costing us in the long run, both individually and as a society, when we lie?

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