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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year

   Around this time each year, I usually compile a long list of some of my favorite moments in the past year. When I look back on 2008, that list isn't as long as it usually there. It was a rebuilding year. I graduated, had a plan, and life got in the way. I heard a deep calling from God accompanied by the voice saying "I'm showing you, but its not time yet."  Relationships diminished and relationships grew deeper. And through it all God was there.
   I am constantly telling people that I wouldn't trade in the bad moments for anything, and that still applies to a year dominated by trials, misunderstandings, hurts, arguments, and growth. I know I've grown. I may not be able to articulate how, but it has happened. And I needed to go through this past year to prepare me for where I am today. And honestly, I'm humbled and in awe of God's hand.

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