About Me

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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Where I live

I live in a world where soccer mom's in their huge gas guggling SUVs drive to Whole Foods and spend $500 dollars a week or more, then go to Starbucks and haggle over drink prices, while telling the Salvation Army bell ringer they don't have any money to spare.

I live in a world where people pay $400 for CHristmas trees they won't even decorate themselves but won't donate any money to the needy (because "they'll spend it on the wrong things.").

I live in a world where this time of the year should be marked by giving, love, hope, blessings, and instead we are ignoring the cries of injustice and making excuses for poverty and consumerism.

Thank you, God, for reminding me that where I live is not my home.

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