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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Dominion Revisited

If you follow the news, you may have noticed that over the last few days there have been several articles about dominion over animals (although it wasn't phrased that way). People's dominion over animals and the enviorment is one of the issues I struggle with the most. Mostly because our use of dominion articulates how little we really trust God or understand nature.

For example, meet Tama, a stray cat in Japan who was made "station master" of a train station in Japan and has brought over 10 million extra dollars worth of patronage to the station just to take pictures of him. First, I'm not happy with the fact that a humans job was replaced by a cat, who is a "for profit" venture. No monetary gain must be given to the cat, so everything made is profit. But at what cost to human life? But more importantly, I take serious issue with people who dress up animals like humans. God created animals to be able to stand heat and cold by the shedding and growing of hair. Since humans don't have this benefit we assume that animals are cold, and therefore dress them in cute human clothes. No. Let animals be as God intended them to be.

Another article was the release of scientific information on the rate of diseases contracted by kids who have exotic pets. In other words, pets they shouldn't have in the first place. Animals that should be allowed to live in the wild such as turtle, lizards, baby chickens, and hedgehogs. Does anyone else see the problem here? Animals who are fully sufficient are made docile and will eventually lose their ability to properly function, as they were created to. Does that bother anyone else? That we are creating dependence upon animals that eventually we won't want to tend to anymore?

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