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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


The focus of my thoughts of the past week have been on anger. While I know some people are going to disagree, I am not really an angry person. I more often express emotions of hurt or sadness, but once in a while, if the hurt is really deep it comes across as anger to cover up my tears. But as I was discussing this the other day, I saw that my anger only beget more anger. That was a wake up call.

But I also think that the Church needs to get over its apathy and become angry at social injustice. I've decided that there is no such thing as a just war. If anger and violence only results in more anger and violence, then what is the point of war? Does it really end injustices and human oppression, because it doesn't seem to as we now approach our fifth year in Iraq. And I really think Jesus was far more creative then using violence against other human beings to reach out to the brokenness in the world. If we are to have the character of Christ, shouldn't this embody his creativity?

The idea was presented today that when we are angry at someone, they own us until we give up that anger. This seems odd at first, but its so true. When we are angry our thoughts dwell in one place and our life is consumed in thoughts of restitution. Does that mean Iraq owns us?


Jesse said...

I disagree, to a point. Pacifism is a great idea, but in times when the land is dark, a refusal to to resort to war is a sign of cowardice, or at least a dereliction of duty. If I as a Christian see injustice somewhere and refuse to act to aid the oppressed with all that is my power to do, then I have failed. I think you would agree with this?...so, maybe I'm just misunderstanding what you're saying.

Jesse said...

And, granted, I only touched on the bit about just war. I do agree with the bit about anger, having experienced both sides of that in my life. I would contend that Iraq doesn't own us, because the issue might not be anger, but rather insecurity and fear. America as a nation seems to be driven by fear, and the infinite dangers of that are being demonstrated by our illustrious government.