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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Does it really mean anything to say that Momma Church is a whore but we still love her? Because to the outside world, regardless of her birthing and raising us and the love that we show her, she is still just a whore. And by the world standards she has to be punished.
And maybe Mom does need to be punished - from the inside and not the out. Maybe she needs to be challenged and corrected in love but the people with the power to change her either don't care or are selling their souls as well - learning the trade from Momma.
Does it really matter if we love Mom if from the outside she is nothing more then a hypocrite - making promises she can't keep, not praying from her heart, praying as a cover up for selfish desires, confessing love but treating her children like crap, raising her children to be lukewarm and passionless, Teaching her children to conform to her religious standards AND the standards of the world because ironically they are entangled, not loving her neighbor, exploiting the poor for status purposes, not looking outside of herself, Worshiping Mammon under the false pretext that it is for God, Throwing around the word Christian to add validity to her lies, not knowing scripture, and not worshiping God unless for personal gain. Do we still Love mom in spite of this? I think we have to. But since when is love silent? Does our love make it alright for other people to be turned off by Mom because they see her turning tricks at the corner in the name of Jesus and they see something VERY wrong with that? Shouldn't we see something wrong with that?
Maybe we need to look at the church from the outside in order to revolutionize her from the inside - because sometimes love is blind instead of edifying and challenging towards growth

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