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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Sunday, February 25, 2007


"Ask the poor. They will tell you who the Christians are." - Gandhi
"Popular culture has taught us to believe that charity is a virtue. But for Christians, it is what is expected."
Why do we do what we do? Do we serve others because it makes us feel good or because it is what we are CALLED to do? I believe there is a danger to approaching service from either of these mindsets. When we drudging do something out of obedience or approach service with selfish motives the people we are reaching out to can tell. I do believe that we are called to love those around us, but we are called to stop and see them as children of the Almighty, his masterpieces. I truly feel that the eyes are the portals to the heart and soul. We need to take time to be close enough to people to lovingly look into their eyes and see the beauty of God inside of a person. When we do that our motives no longer matter because we fall in love with another child of God and our heart becomes wrapped around them. Isn't that what service is truly about? Saying, 'I am your brother or sister in this awesome family that you may not even know you are part of. And family, my friend, love each other and give to each other until it hurts. Let me love you because Dad loves you.'

"Simplicity is meaningful only insomuch as it is grounded in love, authentic relationships, and interdependence.'
I've always been taught that interdependancy is a bad thing. In fact, prior to reading this book I have NEVER heard it used in a positive way. People used to say that I was part of a family that was too interdependent. Now I look back and question where I would be if my family wasn't this entwined. Today's sermon in church highlighted how we need to depend on Christ individually and the church corporately in order to be disciples. How true is that? If I'm off doing my own thing I don't need to include Christ or have anyone keep me accountable.

"To pray for "my" daily bread is a desecration; we are to pray for "our" daily bread, for all of us"

"Caesar can have his coins, but life is God's and Caesar has no right to take that. Once we've given to God what's God's, there's not much left for Caesar."

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