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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Thoughts on the Longest Night

 This service is a time set a part for those of us who need a bit of a different pace this Christmas. Maybe you need a break from the tinsel and lights and hustle. Maybe you know that this Christmas is going to be different because someone you love is no longer going to be with you, unwrapping gifts under the tree or eating around the dinner table. Whatever draws you here this evening, know that you are welcome. To come as you are. To come with all of your feelings. To express what you may not be able to say in another space. 

This service was first created, both under the name of Blue Christmas and the Longest Night, for those who are struggling. Therefore, it is appropriate that the the scripture that called us into this time of worship is one to come to Jesus all who are weary, knowing that he and he alone can give you rest. 

Friends, it can be so hard to approach the traditional Advent wreath - one that represents peace, hope, joy, and love when we are not feeling those things in our own spirit. So tonight we also heard a different Advent wreath reading around its lighting - one that calls us to remember that it is God who sustains us, God who strengthens us, and God who brings truth and light into the darkest places in our lives.

Advent is the time to stand in the darkness, but never alone. For we stand there with our brothers and sisters, those who have gathered together this evening, to have the courage to seek the light together. 

Friends, many of you know that I lost one of the most important people in my life this past January. Even these many months of walking through firsts - first birthday, first vacation, first worship service, first time going to his place of work when he wasn’t there, first Thanksgiving - it is still hard. I am still grieving. And I still get sad and angry and all of the other emotions that you can think of in between. 

So I need this service just as much as you do. Because there isn’t a time limit or even a time frame to grief. So let us take time this evening to remember. To remember those we love. To remember the seeking of the light during this season. To remember the love of God that can embrace all of our pain and feelings. 

So we come tonight as those who are seeking and searching. For solace and silence. For light in the darkness. In a few minutes we are going to take time to be together in remembrance as we light candles for our griefs, losses, and longings. May this be a holy time in your Advent season to come and remember that we come because of the Light of True Lights, the one that can hold all our pain and shine light into the darkness, even on this - the longest night. Amen. 

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