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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Monday, August 15, 2016

#healthypastor - Rest

   Let's get honest for a moment - it is not a bragging right that you have skipped your Sabbath or haven't taken vacation. Yet, too many pastors think that its important - as if when they leave the church building, even in the evening to go home and sleep, the Church will cease to be the church.
   We all need rest. Its scriptural. Yet, sometimes it can be hard to come by, which doesn't make us indispensable, it actually makes us a liability.
   At the beginning of the appointment year I sit down with my calendar and schedule a few different things. First, I schedule vacations. I don't schedule all of my vacation time, in case something comes up, especially with friends and family, but I pencil in a good chunk of it. Next, because the beginning of the appointment year is during the summer I pencil in some day trips I would like to take, just to get away, hike, and clear my head. Then, I schedule in times of mini-retreat. Time to get away and pray for my congregations.
   At the beginning of the appointment year, I also make sure that my PPRC and I have clear understandings around what is considered vacation and what is not considered vacation. I once had a DS tell me that sick time does not count as vacation time for pastors because when we don't take our vacation time for rest it more likely makes us sick. I also explain that things can happen that make me miss a sabbath here and there, especially funerals and church events, but that I expect them to hold me accountable to making up that day of rest an renewal as soon as possible.
   We need clear boundaries around rest, because without them we can think it is our job to work all time. What boundaries and practices do you have in your life to encourage rest?

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