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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Historic Examination - Compassion

  Question: Will you exercise the ministry of compassion?
  Answer: Yes

  The dictionary defines compassion as a deep feeling of sympathy or sorrow for someone who is stricken by misfortune. But for Christians it is compassion that spurs us towards acts of kindness and mercy - or showing love to another person.
  Some days it is hard to show compassion to people. When you are being chewed out for something you didn't do or a misunderstanding has escalated, it can be hard to look at another person with compassion and wonder what is going on in their personal life that has caused them to react to you in this way. It can be hard to have compassion when you have people asking for things and money day after day and you have to sort through who needs the limited resources you have the most. Yet as Christians we are called to show compassion, no matter what the circumstances.

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