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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Historic Examination - God's Work

Question: Are you resolved to devote yourself wholly to God and God's work?
Further down: Are you determined to employ all your time in the work of God?
 Answer: Yes, with God's help.

I feel that a cross over post with #healthypastor will be coming on this one folks, because far too many pastors get confused about what it means to devote oneself wholly to God and God's work.

Let's start by stating what this does not mean. It does not mean that you neglect your body and soul in order to tend to your flock. It does not mean that you put the church above your spouse and family. It does not mean that should be consistently working 12-15 hour days. I have a hard time believing that God will be responding "well done good and faithful servant" if we have trampled on ourselves and others all for the sake of the office of being a pastor.

What I do believe that wholly devoting oneself to God and God's work means being Kingdom minded. Setting our sites on the Kingdom of God that reigns amongst us currently and the Kingdom of God to come, and pointing other people towards this. I believe it means equipping the saints - no, not doing everything no one else wants to do all for the sake of having the church function - but rather equipping people to live into their gifts and graces.

I also believe devoting oneself wholly to God means acknowledging that we are in fact not God. I don't think some pastors mean to develop a God complex, but it can happen if we are not careful, as we start to think that everything rests on our shoulders alone. Being wholly devoted to God means trusting God to be God, and faithfully following what we are lead to do for the sake of the Kingdom.

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