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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


        A few weeks ago Cat and I went to see Newsies as a belated birthday present. What always strikes me about Disney productions in any form is their ability to speak on so many different levels. On one hand it was a cute show for kids, but on the other hand it is a powerful political statement about the injustices that existed prior to child labor laws and still exist today in different forms. It put faces to the idea of the exploited and the exploiter. Also note worthy is the fact that the Newsies first attempt to strike did not go well. But the more they expanded their efforts and invited in different ideas, perspectives, and participants the movement changed and was ultimately successfully in a variety of venues.

But what struck me the most, as a pastor, was the role of the Church in the strike. The nuns were willing to provide for the Newsies needs, providing coffee and food, through acts of charity, but when it came to actually changing the system that necessitates the acts of charity, they were absent. For far too many churches this is also true today. We are good about giving things away, be it food, clothing, or shelter, but we aren’t as equipped or perhaps even willing to do the hard work of addressing those conditions that make inequality exist. We don’t want to move from charity to justice. Now this is not to say that charity isn’t good and necessary, because it is, but we need to be able to simultaneously provide charity while working towards justice. No matter what the cost. No matter what personal demons we have to face as we realize how we may be part of the problem as individuals or an institution. And not thinking about whether we will be on the winning side before standing up for what is right.

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