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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

MuMullen Wedding - 1 Cor 13

We have gathered together this summer afternoon to bear witness to the joining together of two lives, as Brandon and Katie entwine their hearts in marriage. By standing before this cloud of witnesses today, Katie and Brandon are making a statement about their love for each other and how God will be central to their marriage.
The word love is often used, but not fully understood. We say that we love things that we merely like. We hear lyrics and see movies about expressions of love, that are not love at all. True love, does not cease during the difficult times or become abandoned in the heat of an argument. True love, the love that the apostle Paul describes in today’s epistle is kind, patient, never jealous, boastful, rude, or proud. It rejoices in the truth. It is self-giving. This love supports, is loyal, bears hope, and embodies trust. True love, this love, never fails. 
Brandon and Katie, I see such love, true love embodied in you as you stand before this congregation today and prepare to take a solemn vow to love and cherish each other until death separates you. A vow that show one of most firm and noticeable aspects of true love, commitment - a commitment to last a lifetime. 
Perhaps you’ve heard it said that marriage is a 50-50 endeavor, a mutual sharing. While I can understand what this statement is trying to say, I think Paul is trying to remind us of something different in today’s scripture passage. Marriage is a 100% commitment to your spouse, the one you are about to give yourself to today. Giving without expectation, given out of respect, giving as a sacrifice. 
Katie and Brandon, my hope and prayer for you today is that give, as a sacrifice and sign of your commitment to one another, true love. May Paul’s words become inscribed on your hearts and direct your steps together from this point forward. Be patient with one another, showing kindness in your words and actions. Do not put your self above your partner seeking your own way out of foolish pride. Instead, share your lives together out of mutual respect. Do not let arrogance or rudeness be evident in how you speak to one another or the choices you make. Claim truth in your life together and rejoice in the joy it brings to you. Do not keep a record of wrongs that either you or your spouse commits during the course of your life. Support and encourage one another. Be loyal to one another, especially during the difficult times. Bear the light of hope for one another. 
As your love matures and grows it will continue to transform you, bringing you closer together. For this true love that the apostle speaks of, will never fail you, but remember that it does take a sacrificial commitment and lots of work. But if trust God, above all, and make God the center of your marriage, your love can last forever. 
Today Brandon and Katie make a lasting vow before all of you who have gathered here to love and support them. May the words they say now be true forever and ever. Amen. 

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