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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

What if?

  The question was recently posed in my New Testament class - what if Paul's message is be who you are, not be like "us"? The question was specifically talking about the book of Galatians, but I feel that it could be posed to all of Paul's letter. The more I read Paul, I see a tension between Paul wanting people to maintain their own culture and identity and to become like him. I have a hard time reconciling that, and tend not to side with how the Church at large has tended to view Paul.
  Paul has been used as a dominating force to back up the great commission which has historically been interpreted to mean - go and make disciples that look like us. Colonialism. Somehow the church's message that we don't all have to be the same has gotten lost amongst our actions that lead to cookie cutter Christians.
   And what would that look like today? Currently in my religion and the social process class we are struggling (specifically in precept) with what it means to be a Christian in America, the country of pluralism. Should we see the beauty in other cultural practices or stick with what we are comfortable with (which often translates into what we know)? I tend to be more on the accepting side of the argument, but it is interesting to see my classmates deep passions and their application of that passion. 
   What is wrong with letting heritage influence the face of Christianity in different cultures? What is the benefit to making everyone look the same?
   It has also been interesting to notice how Paul has been used and abused in other ways. For example, I have one classmate who is hell-bent on the fact that Paul throws away the law. Oh how Dr. Paige would cringe. But that is what this particular person has been taught by their pastor and they read the text through that lens. It doesn't matter if that is what the text says or not, its what he strongly believes.
  Is there any way to redeem Paul from the bondage we have put him in?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i dont think paul wants us to be like him. he calls us to be like christ. let the holy spirit engulf us so we be more like christ and the person god calls us to be. i tink paul doesnt want to abolish the law. the law shows us how much we need christ. we cant be who god wants us to be if we are bound to the law. just some thoughts love dad