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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


  This week has been rough emotionally. In preparation for this weeks classes I felt that the readings were beating me up, speaking of things that are often mis-understood and make them seem simple to people.
   In my book for Pastoral Formation, it was written that people suffer from depression because they are either too materialistic or because they are possessed by demons. In my Religion and the Social Process readings, depression was attributed to poor social skills and a lack of relationship (even after all of the readings had said not to blame those who suffer for their aliments).
   But as I reflect on how horrific this week felt, I had to laugh at God's humor and grace. Wed. I went to see the Vagina Monologues with two friends, and I realized that at the heart of this play is the message to claim who you are and not to be ashamed. What a prophetic message that we need to hear in society! And this was the exact message I was trying to share in my Ableism focused precept on Tuesday when I was asked, 'If you (the question was only directed to me) could snap your fingers and make all disabilities disappear?' I said no. That it is a choice, and certain things that others would claim are "disabilities" have made me a much more whole person, then those who are "normal". We shouldn't evaluate ourselves through the lens of who society wants us to be, but rather through reclaiming who we are and reconciling that with who we want to be.
   Then Thursday, in chapel, Bishop Peggy Johnson came and shared with us about her disability and how God has used her to minister. She made the point that those who others think need to be healed, are often agents of healing. Claim who you are, and let God use you. A friend who was in my precept, just sat her hand on my shoulder. Here was this amazing woman and servant of God who was giving a message that she said few realized. It was exactly what I was saying on Tuesday. Those cannot be coincident or my words at all. 

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