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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Warning: This is going to be another one of those instances where I have several posts in a short period of time. It's time to break my blogging hiatus.

I've been plagued with thoughts and examples of how we disrespect each other lately. I can't help but ask why. I can't tell you how much patience and control it takes for me not to lash out at several of my classmates who do the most dis-respecting things during class, including but not limited to holding their own conversations about personal things during class, working on other homework, browsing the Internet without purpose, and the worst in my opinion, making fun of the prof.

I understand and sympathize with the fact that classes are sometimes boring, but that doesn't relieve us of the demand to show respect to others. I keep thinking back to Australia, where each class was three hours long at a time, and how aggravated several of us became with our classmates who would IM and check facebook during class. I think people fail to realize what people give when they agree to teach. Here are individuals who are sacrificing their time, some for little pay, to share with students what they are passionate about, perhaps in hopes that you may become enlightened. What a beautiful gift! Yet, all too often students scoff at this gift.

Personally, I would rather have these individuals not show up to class. If you feel that it is below you to even listen and glean and participate, then why come to class? Seriously. You are just stealing the gift from the rest of us. Worse, degrading beautiful giving people.

Not to long ago, Shane and I were emailing back and forth about what it means to be a pastor and he made the comment that we need more compassionate pastors, not more compassionate profs. I of course disagreed. We need passionate, compassionate, profs just as much as pastors. We need people to inspire, mentor, encourage, rebuke, and teach us, whether that's in the church or in the school setting. We need quality people. Christ shines through just as much in the classroom as the pulpit as on the street, if only we would take the time to look. Appreciate. What if you are scoffing at Christ?

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