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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Uneducated Elections

  I'm scared for the upcoming presidential elections. It reminds me a lot of an episode from Will and Grace. To the best of my recollection, the premise of the episode is that there were upcoming elections for mayor (or city council representative). Will, as a gay man, immediately joined the campaign for the gay man running for office, and Grace, as a Jewish woman, started backing the Jewish woman. Both Will and Grace knew nothing of what their respective candidates stood for other than their gender, religion, and sexual preferences. 
  Do you see where this is going? As the elections approach, how many people are becoming like Will and Grace, backing a candidate not on their stances or their benefit for the country, but rather on their gender, religion, and race. This could end disastrously, if voters do not educate themselves. I almost wonder if an uneducated vote is actually better than not voting at all.
  It's really not that hard to get accurate information about what candidates stand for, or at least what they are professing to stand for, online. I'm not referring to propaganda and slander either, but rather what their original campaign is composed of. Yet, out of laziness we jump on bandwagons for the wrong reason. How dishonoring to ourselves and our country.

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