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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Friday, September 28, 2007


I've been a little disappointed lately. I guess maybe not so much disappointed as drained. It's been a little frustrating this week because while we are on vacation I feel as if I've done more hw then anything, and that being said, I haven't even really made a dent. The more I dwelt on that fact, the angrier I became. Gahhh...even thinking about it now I'm frustrated. This is not supposed to happen during vacation. Looking back, we have done things, but I feel more used then refreshed.

We've been helping with a divorce recovery program all week. At times I've just wanted to scream, because the kids aren't allowed to be kids. What if God wants to bless them by our presence and all we are doing is telling them to behave and sit down and listen to something that I don't even want to listen to. Does that make any sense? Anyway, that has been every morning which means we wake up early, drained and go to be way too late. Tuesday we were supposed to bring a snack, so I was up until 2am making cookies, Shane was up until 3am, and Jeremiah was up until 3:30. It was all sorts of ridiculous.

I got to go to a museum for the first time today. The national gallery to see the Guggenheim collection. I've forgotten how much I love modern art and Andy Warhol. It's like each piece is so abstract that it allows you to tell your own story in your mind. Amazing.

We've went to four shows. The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra which was so good. Shane like to point out that we were the only ones in the room under the age of 50. So few people were actually at the show that we moved seats, twice. Why have people our age lost, or rather never gained, appreciation for orchestra music. The orchestra has always been such a large part of my life since 5th grade, that its hard to image life without it.

We saw the TABS Graduate Ballet Exhibition where I decided that it is pointless for girls to dance ballet because guys are so much better.
The Government Inspector was a pretty phenomenal play.
And then we orchestrated a surprise for two of our friends living in the dorm that involved a memorable experience getting to the Phantom of the Opera.

And that's been break. Throw in a few good meals along the way. Sunday we leave for Sydney and the surrounding areas. I'm excited. Hopefully its a little more relaxing then my current situation.


Too late to be consoled said...

nice post.I will wait for more.

Anonymous said...

Boys are better at ballet...hmmm.
I never really thought about that.
I hope that your trip to Sydney is much more restful. Miss you.