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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

The rest of class

I absolutely love Life in the City. This is one of my Thursday classes. It’s essentially theology meet social justice work and then applying it. It is a class designed for me and my passions. More about that as the weeks progress.

Australian Lit – is going to be rough, but I’m excited to see how it shapes my thought process and my ability to articulate my deepest thoughts, the ones that you can only understand if you know me well and can look past what I’m actually saying to the true meaning.

Yesterday we spent the rest of the day shopping in Coburg (two train stops over) and running errands in the inner city about 40 minutes away. Today I’m just going to take the day to work through my school work and do some laundry and re-coup. I’m in need of some “me-time” and Friday seems like the perfect time to take it.

Prayer Requests:
Shane and I ran into a finical snag with planning our vacation so prayers about what to do or where to go would be great. Also lowered frustration levels with airports would be amazing Haha.

Learning to take time for myself more frequently.

Side Thought:
Why when is being a pastor or a theologian is it completely acceptable to be untrained? Does being a Christian in and of itself enough blessing and preparation to prepare you for these ministries?

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