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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


We finally had the boy's graduation party on Sunday. I was all excited for the brawls that I thought were going to take place...but the fighting ended up being between an uncle on one side of the family and an aunt on the other.
It all started when Gram tried to get me to start talking about Australia. This is her favorite topic to bring up with relatives when I'm not talking. From there the aunt mentioned that she would love to go to Israel, to which I replied that I'd already been there, thinking that we could talk about the Holy Land for a bit. She asked if I was baptized in the Jordan River, and I explained that Methodists believe in re-affirming our baptism but not re-baptizing because one baptism is enough and the rest is God's grace. We traveled with a Methodist minister so he upheld this view and wouldn't baptize any of us. My uncle, affirmed this view, as a member of a different denomination with the same view on baptism. Then things got ugly. My aunt replied "Baptism is only good enough for the sins you committed prior to the baptism"
Mayday, Mayday. All sorts of theological lights in connections to sacraments and grace went off in my mind. What if she was right? Wouldn't we have to be baptized everyday for the sins we committed? Would grace, the hallmark of the Gospel, even exist?

1 comment:

Jesse said...

Your aunt has an old, Catholic view of baptism. That's the reason that Augustine wasn't baptized until late in life, if I remember correctly. Its also the root of the Catholic "Last Rites"...they received baptism right before death. I also would say that its a poor understanding of grace, that God has to use a visible thing to provide grace, as opposed to being able to provide it with no outward action. It also doesn't understand that God gives us grace, both for our past actions and those of our future. So, even if our last action in this world is a sin, we will still go into Heaven, because of this grace (prevenient grace, of sorts).