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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Monday, September 19, 2016

#healthypastors - Friendships

    Everyone needs friends. Unfortunately in America we seem to not really know what a friend is. We substitute the word friend when we really mean acquaintance. But we all need friends who will be loyal, who will encourage us to be the best version of ourselves, who will lead us to grow. People we can have fun with, people who get us out of our ruts. While we may have many acquaintances, we have few true friends.
    My best friends live all over the United States. One hat is in the process of moving to the Midwest. One who lives in NJ. Another in the Southern part of PA. Part of staying healthy is spending time with them. Making time to FaceTime or talk to them on the phone. Going to visit when I can. Being part of their big life moments any way that I can.
   Far too many pastors claim that they have no friends. Or that their only friend is their spouse. This is unacceptable. We were made for friendships and need them as a release valve on our lives. Who are your friends and how do they keep you healthy?

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