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My heart beats for love. I want to be different. I want to be who I am called to be. WORTHY and LOVED!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Introvert vs. Extrovert

   I am an extreme introvert. Its more than just what the Myers-Briggs test says about me - I recognize this in myself. I recognize that I am more comfortable in small groups. That I get tried if I talk to long with lots of people. But if you don't know me you would never guess that I'm and introvert. I preach weekly. A fair amount of my time is spent with groups of people in worship, meetings, and Bible studies. I'm articulate and warm. I present myself well.  So when I say that I'm an introvert sometimes people are a bit shocked - because somewhere along the way we have substituted the actual meaning of introvert and extrovert - how to do you replenish yourself most naturally when you are drained - to mean things like socially awkward.
   And introvert and extrovert are not the only places we seem to have problems around language and the meaning of words. We do it all the time without realizing it - putting our own spin on something to make it not what its intended to be and as a result its hard for us to have conversation using words because our definitions aren't the same. How can we reclaim the meaning of words in our communal life together so we can better communicate in a way that helps us get to know each other better?

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